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Course Description

1- Change Management Main Competencies- Mr. Shaher Shaaban
Understanding the change and different types of change as well as the tools used to manage change.

2- Business Continuity- Dr. Lara Phares 
Today, in a rapidly changing and risky environment, companies face the challenge of guaranteeing their stability and growth. Disruptive events, from human or natural origin, can besiege it everywhere. At any time, a crisis can jeopardize the entire future of the organization. Business continuity management helps organizations be better prepared to face those challenges. It helps to build their resilience in face of interruptions of all kinds. It covers all the actions necessary during the key phases (before, during, after) of crisis management. It also focuses on understanding and planning for disaster recovery.

Who is the target audience?

1- Corporates
2- Individuals
3- Managers
4- Employees
5- All type of Business

What am I going to get from this course?

Change Management: 
1. Differentiate between different types of change.
2. Understand how people react to change.
3. Apply different techniques in change management.
4. Manage Change Effectively

Business Continuity:
1. Crisis versus disaster
2. Organizational resilience
3.Business risks and vulnerabilities
4.Business continuity plan
5. Incident response plan
6. Disaster recovery plan
7. Life cycle of a plan
8. Introduction to ISO 22301