Responsible leadership is highly needed in a globalized era where no longer economic growth is fair enough or good enough. With all the revolutions, viruses, and crises, developed as well as developing countries are proved to be unprepared to deal with unprecedented worldly changes. Responsibility is key and responsible leadership is the vaccine.
Anyone interested in leadership, is a leader or leader to be, anyone interested in positive change, anyone simply interested in a better world
• Understand the concept of responsible and responsive leadership
• Comprehend how one can be responsible
• Roles we can play to foster responsible leadership
• Understand the complexities involved
• Explore options available to overcome challenges
Hala has a PhD in management from the University of Leicester and a long career of lecturing in Management, Marketing and Qualitative Research, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both in Lebanon and abroad. She is currently the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management at the University of Balamand, a visiting professor at Cyprus International Institute of Management. She had been an editor-at- large for HR People Strategy Publications, USA, for the past five years. Her current line of research revolves around responsible leadership and business case studies. Through her academic work, she became intimately involved with current research and theoretical business paradigms as well as being aware of their practicalities in the professional world. Her knowledge and skills make her an excellent provider of consultancy as well as training and professional development services.