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Course Description

This module is an introduction to the role of pharmacoeconomics (PE) in medical decision making from multiple perspectives. It will introduce the concepts of types of PE/Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), general computation involved in these analyses, and how to evaluate a CEA.

Who is the target audience?

Course participants should have basic skills and experience in managing pharmaceuticals and health programs in the public, private or quasi government health sectors and in academia. Participants should preferably be involved in the either at managerial or operations level, in the development of essential medicines lists, hospital formularies and reimbursement lists. Participants should also have basic understanding of the principles of assessing and evaluating data for decision making in selection of medicines.

What am I going to get from this course?

  1. State the role of PE in medical decision making.
  2. Define the types of PE/cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) .
  3. Explain the societal, patient and payer tradeoffs involved in using PE for medical decision making.
  4. Understand the difference between and usefulness of average and incremental (marginal) CEA.
  5. State the definition of utility measurement and its use in cost-utility analysis.
  6. Understand the elements essential to a published CEA.